Customizing Your LinkedIn URL: The Digital Equivalent of Fixing Your Bed Head
Not customizing your LinkedIn URL is like going to work with bed head.
Sure, bed head is fine when you’re working from home and have no Zoom calls. But your LinkedIn profile is like a perpetual Zoom call, and you need it to look good!
What’s a URL?
In simple terms, it’s the address that appears in your browser bar.
Why should I customize it?
Customizing your LinkedIn URL shows a level of sophistication and technical savvy. It’s a subtle nudge that says, “I get it!”
In addition to showing technical savvy, customizing your LinkedIn URL can also help you improve your personal branding and make it easier for people to find you online.
How do I customize my LinkedIn URL?
Customizing your LinkedIn URL is super easy.
All you do is log in to your LinkedIn account, go to your profile, and look for the “Edit public profile & URL” button in the top right-hand corner.
From there, you can customize your URL to whatever you want.
I suggest sticking with your name if it’s available. Eg. “…/kyla-duffy/” or “…/kyladuffy/”
If not, you may need to get creative. Some tips for choosing a custom URL include using your middle initial, adding your industry or profession, including a degree, or using a variation of your name. Eg. “…/kyla-duffy-MPS/” or “…/kyla-m-duffy/”.
Make it as short and to the point as possible.
Fix your digital bed head and customize your LinkedIn URL.
It’s as easy as grabbing a comb and some mousse.
Once you’ve customized your LinkedIn URL, make sure to update it on other platforms where you have a presence, such as your resume, business cards, and email signature.
Customizing your LinkedIn URL is just one way to ensure your online presence is professional and polished.
Make sure to review your profile regularly to ensure that it reflects your current skills and experience, and use the platform to network and connect with others in your industry.